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i wish this was all just a dream...

Project type

Print, painting


March 2022


Lino print, acrylic


100 x 55 cm


IB Art 2

Artwork #3 of my exhibition: "i wish this was all just a dream..." was the most somber of all my IB artworks. Inspired by Aubrey Beardsley, I tackled the theme of human trafficking through the depiction of a young girl reminiscing her past. The cycle of trafficking and pain is shown through the subtle circle created through the movement of the girl's hand and hair. A circle of chains surround her and her past signifying how she's indefinitely trapped. Although depressing, it was one of my favorite artworks.

Like many others, this artwork went through some revision before reaching the final product. Before, the print was a standalone artwork, but after consultation with my art teacher, I revised it into one that showed not just one girl's experiences, but the lives of many others. As a group of six prints, I stuck them onto a painted piece of paper, the black drips reflecting the evil and bad that sources their pain.

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