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Steal the Show

Project type

IB Art


March 2022


Paper, oil pastel, foam


85 x 56 cm


IB Art 1

Artwork #7 of my exhibition. "Steal the Show" is made up of paper cut component and a background inspired by two seperate artists, Beatrice Coron and Edvard Munch, to depict art heists. A figure is seen kidnapped, surrounded by money, ropes, and tentacles, the arm frame representing the uneasiness of the situation. I chose the Scream because of how it is well-known as a stolen artwork, while I chose the medium's removal of positive space as an allusion to the stealing of these artworks.

The artwork originally didn't have a background, it only being a black atop a white page. I was suggested to emulate a part of the "Scream" to further emphasize the connection to the artist inspiration and create a more rich piece. I utilized oil pastels to create a sketch-like version of the impressionist style. In turn this created a contrasting bright yet dark artwork.

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